Killex and RobToy

Killex and RobToy
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Contents package:

Killex and RobToy Head (.cr2)
Body adaptive (.cr2)
Right/left grade (.cr2)
ToyKey (.cr2)
Right/Left new legs (.cr2)
Right/Left ForeArms Guns (.cr2)
Right/Left New Hands (.cr2)

Valve ON/OFF (.pz2)
Nose Long/Short (.pz2)
Forearms Gun ON/OFF (.pz2)

9 Materials colors with new environment map
and 6 default face expression for RobToy


Load in the order that you want :

Killex head or RobToy Head
ForearmGun (right or left)
Hands (right or left)

after that , fit all those parts on Gini_body_V2.cr2

In the folder named "New_Mat_Reflex" are located all file needed to apply new colors with reflection effects.

There are all necessary files to apply it also to Gini base.

Operating System(s): Windows 7

Poser 8, Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Poser Pro 2014, Daz Studio 4.6

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Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: September 3, 2014

Accessories for Poser and Daz Studio