Ancient Warrior Outfit for G8M

Ancient Warrior Outfit for G8M

when in doubt, do as the Romans do.

This product contains 1 pair of bracelets, 1 cape (dForce sensitive), 1 helmet, 1 pair of sandals, 1 pair of shorts, 1 shield prop and 1 sword prop.

DAZ files (IRAY only):

- 1 cape (dForce sensitive)
- 1 pair of bracelets
- 1 helmet (might need to be size-adjusted depending on the figure)
- 1 pair of sandals
- 1 pair of shorts
- 1 shield (prop)
- 1 sword (prop)
- 4 MAT color options for clothing (mostly red/white/gold/black)

This item works only on DAZ Studio. There are DUF files on it.

Compatible figures: 
3D Models