Casa Giulietta Courtyard for Vue 9+

Casa Giulietta Courtyard for Vue 9+
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My Verona's Casa Giulietta Courtyard of Romeo & Juliet fame. My latest architectural, historical model is an Italian courtyard divided up into two main "L" shaped building sections so one can be creative in camera placement in such a tight space. This also provides an easy way to duplicate a section for background placement replicating the tight building layout of the old medieval city section of Verona.

A number of the model elements, Fountain, Columns, Pots, Wall Medallions, odd stone detail, are all individual objects that can be used elsewhere, modified, re-textured to create your own vision. The model is approx. 2M ploys, includes about 100 objects, and two dozen lights. The product images as well as these promo images have all been rendered within the full model camera view without removing one of the section.

While this is an exterior courtyard model, I have created basic floor, wall, and ceiling elements allowing interior lighting which I provide so that one can place interior elements as I have done in the two promo renders.

Software: Vue 9

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: November 22, 2017

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio