Wheel of pain is monstrous mountain grain mill driven by slave force. But what seems as terrible drudgery on first glance may be in fact some kind of public social empoyment since you can employ up to 24 tough strongmen to a job easily managable by single donkey. But nevermind - tall decorative mill shaft is one of the most iconic fantasy machines used for creating true heroes... so use it to your own imagination and joy as well.
What is included:
Wheel of Pain - poser ERC figure
3 M4 slave poses
shackles and chains smart props
8 main camera presets
Scaled to poser people, textures 4000x4000 (6000x6000 for ground body part), product is intended for mid range to distant shots, selected dials with limits on, suitable for animations. ERC coding for easier use. Unpacked Runtime Size: 245 MB. Movie Inspiration.
Poser 7+
Compatible figures: Michael 4