Linnie for the Kids 4

Linnie for the Kids 4
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Linnie is a cute little girl for the Kids 4
This is what you get:
Facemorph for Linnie (Custom morph)
1 skinmap
7 lips
7 makeups with or without blush
7 eyes for Superfly/Firefly

Linnie works with the Chibi, heavy, thin and Dolly morphs from the morph ++ pack too

Poser 8 / Poser Pro 2010+, Poser 10 / Poser Pro 2014 +, Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012 +, Poser 11

Compatible figures: Kids 4

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: May 18, 2019

Compatible figures: 
Characters for Poser and Daz Studio