Norie_La Femme

Norie_La Femme

Her siren call will enchant your runtime...

Introducing Norie for La Femme

Norie, a new friend that seems familiar...Norie is a new best friend for Flossie, and best of all, they share clothes!. Nories body style is a perfect 50% of Flossie, designed to fit Flossie supported clothing.

Norie comes complete with 7 makeup styles, 7 separate lip styles and 7 stunning eye options. and that's just the beginning! Norie also comes with 2 complete fantasy skins...Fantasy_Siren and Fantasy_Greenie. With 2 makeup styles for each!
PLUS 2 fantasy ear morphs.
Norie comes with complete(head and body), Head only and Separate 50% and Full "Flossie" body style INJ and REM options.

Norie_La Femme

character morph and textures
for La Femme


Norie_Head INJ
Norie Ears_01 INJ
Norie Ears_02 INJ
Norie_Flossie Body INJ
Norrie_Flo 50% Body INJ
Norie_Head REM
Norie Ears_01 REM
Norie Ears_02 REM
Norie_Flossie Body REM
Norrie_Flo 50% Body REM

Textures (.mc6)

Norie default mat complete

7 Makeup styles
7 Lip Shades
7 Eye Shades

2 Fantasy skins complete
2 Fantasy Siren Makeup styles
2 Fantasy Siren Lip styles
2 Fantasy Greenie Makeup Styles
2 Fantasy Greenie Lip Styles

Software: Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Compatible figures: La Femme Pro - Female Poser Figure, La Femme Base Figure - Included in Poser Pro 11

Compatible figures: 
Characters for Poser