Blushing Cs 5 & 6 G3F

Blushing Cs 5 & 6 G3F

Blushing Cs G3F 5 & 6

Naughtiness is in the air this summer....

Be sure to check out the other Blushing Cs packs.

• All Blushing Cs fit the G3F Natural+Natural2 custom genital morphs.


• 2 C Strings

• CString 5>

8 styles

Style 2: 2 colors
Style 3: 7 colors
Style 6: 4 colors

• Cross Cloth OFF utility
• Front OFF utility


• CString 6>

10 styles

Styles 1 + 2 + 3 default + black
Style 7: 6 colors

• Transparency OFF utility

• 3Delight & IRAY Material Presets all


Dynamic Morphs Cs 5:

Crotch Size
UnderCrotch Lift
Front Size

Dynamic Morphs Cs 6:

Crotch OpenL
Crotch OpenR
Crotch size


Required: Genesis 3 Female free in DAZ Studio 4.9


† All styles are shown in the promotional images above.†

Please see Read me for details and to get the best out of this product.

Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9

No touch-ups.

† Characters and body poses are not included.†

Thank you for your interest in my products.

©nirvyproductions 2003-2016

Daz Studio 4

Compatible figures: Genesis 3 Female

Requirements:  G3F

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio