dForce Dissident Outftits and_Props for GF 9

dForce Dissident Outftits and_Props for GF 9
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dForce Dissident Outfit and Props For Genesis 9 Female.

Discover the Dissident Collection, a line of clothing inspired by rebel forces from around the world. Designed for those who refuse to bow to oppression and are ready to fight for freedom, this collection combines functionality, military style, and a touch of urban modernity.

The collection includes a jacket, pants, and a T-shirt, available in five different colors.

Join the movement: wear the Dissident Collection and showcase your refusal to yield to injustice. Because sometimes, fashion is not just about style, but also a statement of principle.

This set also includes 10 vignette backgrounds to customize your photoshoots.


Running simulations independently:

Given the complexity of the garment and its layers, it is essential to follow these instructions to have an optimal result:

1/Each garment simulates as long as it is alone (no other garment in the simulation)

The order to adopt if you use all the garments is as follows.
Simulate first: the pants, second the T-shirt, third the jacket.

2/This outfit cannot be simulated using the default single frame simulation settings in Daz Studio. You must use a timeline simulation.

3/After running each clothing simulation independently, please freeze the simulation for that clothing piece before adding the next piece of clothing to your scene. You can freeze the simulation by clicking the freeze simulation button in the parameters tab of the clothing item or by going to settings > General > Simulation > Freeze simulation "on".

The Korean slogans you see painted on the walls, posters, or promotional images mean:

자유 아니면 죽음! : Freedom or death
저항하라! : Resist!
권력은 국민에게! : Power to the people!
혁명이 진행 중이다 : The revolution is underway
모두를 위한 정의 : Justice for all
단결은 힘이다 : Unity is strength
그들은 통과하지 못한다! : They will not pass!
억압받는 자들이여, 일어나라! : Oppressed, rise up!
내일을 위해 싸워라 : Fight for tomorrow
폭정을 타도하라! : Down with tyranny!
우리가 변화다 : We are the change
잊지도 용서하지도 않겠다 : We will not forget or forgive
거리는 우리 것이다 : The streets are ours
모두를 위한 평등한 권리 : Equal rights for all
힘과 명예 : Power and honor
침묵은 공모다 : Silence is complicity
순교자들에게 경의를 : Homage to the martyrs
더 이상 사슬은 없다! : No more chains!
다른 세상은 가능하다 : Another world is possible
자유로운 미래를 위해 : For a free future

Character, Hair on images are NOT included!

This package contains:


Dissident Wall 01-10

Dissident Floor
Dissident Wall 01-05

dForce Dissident Coat
dForce Dissident Outfit
dForce Dissident Pant
dForce Dissident T-Shirt

27 Materials Iray:

128 Texturemaps (.png) for Displacement, Height, Roughness, Transparency (4096 x 4096 to 4096 x 4096)

80 Morphs and Shapes

Compatible figures: Genesis 9

Software: DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: December 11, 2024

Compatible figures: 
Props for Daz Studio and Poser