dForce Surgeon's Whites Outfit for G9

dForce Surgeon's Whites Outfit for G9

Retro style "physician straight out of the operating theater" outfit fully rigged for dForce. Made primarily for use with Igor 9, but can be used with any Genesis 9 figure, male or female. Trousers, apron and coat come with many MAT options, neutral and horrific.

Included in this set are the following:

- A retro style late 1800's surgeon's outfit, consisting of boots, trousers, two coats and one apron. The coats and the apron come fully rigged with dForce.

- 5 MAT options for the apron, 3 for the pants, and 2 for the coats ("clean" and "bloodied").

The clothes are masculine in style, but can be worn by a character of either gender. Bring your Golden Age Hollywood style horror renders to life with this unique outfit!

Compatible figures: 
3D Models