BC Movie Stands "The Office" is the second in the series of sets inspired by the movies. One very popular genre has always been Film Noir. This set was inspired by the gumshoe detectives and smoking guns.
- Compatible 3D Software
- DAZ Studio, Poser
- What's Included & Features
- Features
- 4 Office Props (.PP2 and .OBJ)
- Office Door
- Opens/Closes
- Hat Rack
- Side Alley
- Office
- Office Door
- Textures Include
- 1 Door Texture Map (3000x3000)
- 1 Floor Texture Map (3000x3000)
- 1 Trim Texture Map (3000x3000)
- 1 Wall Texture Map (3000x3000)
- 1 Alley Texture Map (2000x2000)
- 1 Glass Texture Map (3000x3000)
- 4 Office Props (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Where to buy: