Filter. How it works.

Filter is a part of search system which searches products by tags, compatible figures, vendor or title.


Tags is a words which describes every product (more or less) and goes after its description. For example "characters", "transport", "clothing", "monsters", "backgrounds" etc.

Filter example 1

"Tags" operates with logical "AND". If several tags are checked that will find products which has all of these tags. For example, this will found fantasy clothing for Genesis 3 Females:

Filter example 3

"Compatible figures" operates with logical "AND". For example, this will found clothing that is compatible with Genesis 3 Males AND Genesis 2 Males:

Filter example 2

"Vendors" and "Site" operates with logical "OR". This will found fantasy backgrounds by Sveva:

Filter example 4

"Title" operates with logical "Include". For example, this will found Bundles created by Daz Originals for Genesis 3 Females:

Filter example 5

You can add other tags to the option list by typing in "Other tag" textfield. For example, "everyday-clothing" tag and "Victoria 4" figure has been added:

Filter example 6

We hope this Filter will be helpful for somebody.