This Glamour Girls pose pack contains 20 sexy model poses and their mirrors for Genesis 8 Females.
These Daz Studio pose presets have been carefully cleaned to remove any unnecessary character movement and translation values. Your character will stay
where you put her in the scene, and will not jump to world center when you apply the pose. Our poses will also not modify any existing expressions.
There are no awkward or contorted body positions in this pose pack. You get 20 nice and natural, elegant and sexy poses for your G8F characters.
We hope you enjoy this new Daz Studio pose pack, and we welcome your feedback. Thank you!
This pose pack contains the following:
20 poses for Genesis 8 Females
20 mirrored poses for Genesis 8 Females
40 Daz Studio pose files total
Please note:
Nothing else comes with this product. All characters, expressions, environments, props, clothing, and any other scene items
visible in the promotional images are used for marketing and promotional purposes only.