Neon Agent Uniform for Genesis 8 Female

Neon Agent Uniform for Genesis 8 Female

RN95 Neon Agent Uniform Shoulder Pads

The Outfit is inspired by the black widow Main Outfit.

This Outfit comes with 4 Different parts, which are seperated.

-Shoulder Pads
-Main Uniform

Each of the Items have Material Presets. It also has an emissive part to it, for the strengt, please adjust the value in the shader tab.

The main Uniform has dForce.

The textures are 4k and PBR.

The assets has the standard DAZ Weightpaint.

The File contains no Morphs.


Just extract the .zip file in to your desired DAZ Library. The Outfit can then be found in the Clothing folder.

If there are any problems or you have any questions, please write me at any time

Compatible figures: 
3D Models