Cyber Arm for La Femme

Cyber Arm for La Femme
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Included in this product:

- 1 graft cap for La Femme's left shoulder, as conforming figure;
- 1 left arm replacement for La Femme, as conforming figure;
- Morphs injection and removals for third-party morph support (La Femme Pro, Body Kit, Femme Fatale);
- 6 material presets for the arm;
- 4 material presets for the graft cap;
- Materials using the "PhysicalSurface" root node, for rendering in both Firefly and Superfly;
- Image textures (4K resolution) for PBR metal-rough workflow (color, metalness, normal, roughness);
- Image texture templates for optional customization.

For more information please see the Readme.

Disk space usage: 89 Mb geometries, 12 Mb libraries, 106 Mb textures.

Requirements: Poser 11+, La Femme Pro v2, Femme Fatale HD Morphs for La Femme, La Femme Body Kit MR.

Product developed using Poser 12.0.757, running on PC/Windows.

Software: Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Compatible figures: La Femme Pro - Female Poser Figure

Requirements:  Poser 11+, La Femme Pro v2, Femme Fatale HD Morphs for La Femme, La Femme Body Kit MR.

Required Products: Femme Fatale HD Morphs for La Femme, La Femme Body Kit MR, La Femme Pro - V.2

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: July 1, 2022

Compatible figures: 
Accessories for Poser and Daz Studio