MMA Outfit for Genesis 8 & 9 Female

MMA Outfit for Genesis 8 & 9 Female

Get ready to level up your workouts with the Workout for Genesis 9 and Genesis 8 Female(s) MMA outfit. It's a burst of inspiration with vibrant colors, tailor-made for your MMA fights and scenarios. With six distinct options and endless mix-and-match possibilities, this outfit offers ultimate versatility.

The outfit consists of 4 parts:

-MMA shirt
-MMA short
- Gloves
- MMA leg protection

- Shirt (8 different options ) with a gray texture that you can color to your liking
- Shorts ( 3 different options )
- Gloves (4 different options )
- leg protection (4 different options )

Morphs :
- Gloves morphs for easy fitting with the waist area.

3D Models