Corpse Walk I - Latex Set for GF8

Corpse Walk I - Latex Set for GF8

Welcome to the Corpse Walk Collection - A multi-pack set of high-shine, often skin tight, latex wardrobe items for both the Genesis 9 and Genesis 8 figures.

This Version is for the **Genesis Female 8/8.1 Figure Only** there is no support for GM8

G9 Version is available in a separate pack

Each item in this pack relies on mesh smoothing to help the items be extra close fitted in places - **Do Not Turn Smoothing Off**


PACK I: Includes

Stockings -
These thigh high stockings with open toes have a few sculpted wrinkles around the ankle and knee, but fit well with most shoes without additional morphs. There may be some slight clipping with tightly fitted ankle straps in some cases.

Bell Sleeves -
A top fitted sleeve set that are slightly loose starting around the elbow and are dForce compatible with 2 sim mats for stiffer or softer folds to get the cuffs to lay just right.

High-waist Thong Underwear -
Features 3 morphs for tweaking the fit with anatomy attachments and movement.

Cross Stickers -
GeoShell Based with 2 loads for 8 and 8.1 - The mats are also split and labeled for each.

Body Pressure Morphs -
Found under the Shaping Tab in Actor > Clothing > [LB] or in the -[ BP Folder of the items themselves as presets

The mats for all pieces are split into 3 Styles: Sheer, Gradient, and Solid except for the stickers which are a single mat color.
There are 10 colors for each style totaling out to 30 mats each for Stockings, Underwear, and Sleeves.
*Iray Only*


If you get clipping issues with certain morphs the three easiest fixes are:

1. Adjust the smoothing levels to a higher number under Parameters > General > Mesh Smoothing > Smoothing Iterations

2. Change the default Mesh Smoothing style in the same location between Generic or Base Shape Matching (Parameters > General > Mesh Smoothing > Smoothing Type drop down)

3. Make sure the subD level of your figure is set to the same number in both Viewport and Render (Parameters > General > Mesh Resolution > SubDivision Level & Render SubD Level (Minimum) )

** Clipping with Body Pressure Morphs and the Stockings with Gf8 is a known issue that Fix 3 solves. The issue seems less common with Gf8.1

Thanks for checking things out and, as always, if you have any issues or run into any bugs, please let me know. I'll try to get them fixed asap.
Keep an eye out for the other packs in the set soon as well as texture addons!

3D Models