Jordan Devlin 2K23 for G8 Male

Jordan Devlin 2K23 for G8 Male

Jordan Devlin 2k23, comes to Renderhub!!.

The character comes with the following:
-The character's body, (it comes with Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Roughness, Bump and SSS maps, 4096x4096 pixels).
-Eyelashes, Hair, Beard, Eyes with realistic shader and with Eyebrows Card.
-A clothing outfit (Boots, Knee Pads, Wrist Guards, Underwear and Jacket).
-Extra corrective anatomy morphs (JCMs).
-The Hair comes with a default Rig, without bones.
-A Render Settings Preset, with a 4k HDRI image.

Jordan Devlin 2k23, comes with custom Eyelashes and Eyebrows.
The character comes with two texture shaders, one by default and another with an extra Bump texture, (you can find these materials in the materials folder).

It also comes with scripts for a complete body morph, and separate head and body morphs.
Note that if you load the character as an "Actor", by default, it comes with a united head and body,
to use the separate head and body, first delete that morph with the corresponding script,
and then apply the separate head and body scripts.

The boots come with a script that, when you apply this clothing to the character,
hides the geometry of the character, avoiding problems with the transfer of geometry from the character to the clothing.
The underwear comes with a Smoothing Modifier, deactivate or activate it as needed.
The clothing comes with extra morphs, to modify the clothing, in Parameters/Morphs.
The clothing is not for Dforce.

Activate my Render Settings and make realistic renders, like my promotional renders!!, (You can find this preset in the Render Settings folder).

The character comes in a zip file, to be installed with the Daz studio installer manager.
You can find the character as an Actor, in the folder: People, Genesis 8 Male, characters, and the scripts for the Morphs,
in the folder supremo-omega/Jordan Devlin 2k23.

Important: This character does not have textures for genitals.

Jordan Devlin 2k23,llega a Renderhub!!.

El personaje viene con lo siguiente:
-El personaje de su cuerpo,(trae mapas de Difuso,Specular,Normales,Roughness,Bump y SSS, de 4096x4096 pixeles).
-Pestañas,Pelo,Barba,Ojos con shader realista y con Cejas Card.
-Un atuendo de ropa(Botas,Rodilleras,Muñequeras,Calzoncillos y Chamarra).
-Morphs correctivos extras, de anatomía(JCMs).
-El Cabello trae Rig por defaul,sin huesos.
-Un Preset de Render Settings,con imagen HDRI 4k.

Jordan Devlin 2k23, viene con,Pestañas,y Cejas personalizados.
El personaje trae dos shader de texturas,uno por defaul y otro con textura extra Bump,(estos materiales, los encuentras en la carpeta materials).

Ademàs trae scrips para,Morph completo de cuerpo, y Morphs de cabeza y cuerpo separados.
Tenga en cuenta que si carga el personaje como "Actor",por defaul, trae Cabeza y cuerpo unidos,
para usar la cabeza y cuerpo separados,primero elimine ese morph con el scrip correspondiente,
y luego aplique los scrips,de cabeza y cuerpo separados.

las Botas,traen un scrip, que al aplicar ésta ropa al personaje,
esconde la geometría del personaje,evitando problemas de traspaso de geometría del personaje con la ropa.
Los calzoncillos,traen Smoothing Modifier,desactivelo o áctivelo,según lo necesite.
La ropa trae morphs extras, para modificar la ropa, en Parameters/Morphs.
La ropa, no es para Dforce.

Activa mi Render Settings y haz renders realistas,como mis renders promocionales!!,(Este preset lo encuentras en la carpeta Render Settings).

El personaje viene en archivo zip, para ser instalado, con el instalador manager de Daz studio.
El personaje lo encuentras como Actor, en la carpeta: People, Genesis 8 Male, characters,y los scrips para los Morphs,
en la carpeta supremo-omega/Jordan Devlin 2k23.

Importante:Este personaje, no cuenta con texturas para genitales.

Compatible figures: 
3D Models