Rapier Thrusts Wards and Disarms

Rapier Thrusts Wards and Disarms
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A set of rapier duel fighting poses for both M4 and V4 that go beyond the basic stances en garde. Included are some exciting grip disarm moves, designed to remove the opponent's weapon. There are also a series of thrusts complete with wards (pushing the opponent's weapon away with the hand).

All pose series have a start pose and an end pose for both M4 and V4 to allow you to pick up the duel action when and where ever your scene dictates. As a bonus are included V4 single stance rapier poses en garde to the M4 poses in Swordplay - Rapier Poses for M4

Compatible 3D Figures
Victoria 4, Michael 4, Aiko 4, Victoria 4 Elite, Michael 4 Elite, The Girl 4, Stephanie 4, Hiro 4, The Freak 4
Compatible 3D Software
DAZ Studio, Poser
What's Included & Features
  • 2 Rapier positioning poses to correctly orient the Leon di Castiglia rapier to both M4 and V4's right hand (Leon di Castiglia rapier is not required to use this set - but it helps.)
  • 4 Thrust and Ward Attacks = 32 individual poses
    • Thrust from Prima (palm face out position)
      • Start and End Positions for 2 person duel = 4 poses
      • Placements for either M4 or V4 in Advantage Position = 4 poses
    • Thrust from Secunda (palm face down position)
      • Start and End Positions for 2 person duel = 4 poses
      • Placements for either M4 or V4 in Advantage Position = 4 poses
    • Thrust from Terza (palm face in position)
      • Start and End Positions for 2 person duel = 4 poses
      • Placements for either M4 or V4 in Advantage Position = 4 poses
    • Thrust from Quarta (palm face up position)
      • Start and End Positions for 2 person duel = 4 poses
      • Placements for either M4 or V4 in Advantage Position = 4 poses
  • 3 Grip Disarms = 24 individual poses for removing an opponent's weapon by grabbing the grip or guard of the rapier
    • Start and End Positions for 2 person duel = 4 poses
    • Placements for either M4 or V4 in Advantage = 4 Position
  • 1 Disarm Opponent = 8 individual poses for throwing the opponent off-balance, but not removing their weapon.
    • Start and End Positions for 2 person duel = 4 poses
    • Placements for either M4 or V4 in Advantage Position = 4
  • Bonus! 7 single stance poses for V4 (female versions of guard stances found in Sword Play: Rapier Poses for M4)
    • Salute Part A - use to begin or finish a salute to one's opponent
    • Salute Part B - use as the middle stroke of the salute
    • Guard of Prima The guard in the first hand position
    • Guard of Secunda The guard in the second hand position
    • Guard of Terza The guard in the third hand position
    • Guard of Quarta The guard in the fourth hand position
    • Incartata A reversed (back to the opponent) attack stance
  • Also included: V4 hand pose to accurately hold the Leon di Castiglia rapier for poses outside of this set.

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: March 5, 2013

Compatible figures: 
Environments and Props for Daz Studio and Poser