Touch Of Egypt for DAZ Studio

Touch Of Egypt for DAZ Studio
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Relaxing corner of shear beauty... Dreamlight's Touch Of Egypt is a beautifuly detailed prop with the right kind of Egyptian mood. Touch Of Egypt comes ready with a breathtaking DAZ Studio light set, based on the bestselling Light Dome PRO technology - ensuring that no matter where you aim the camera, you'll get professional and great looking lighting. Speaking of camera angles, you've got several to choose from. Your next Egyptian render is going to look HOT!

Compatible 3D Software
DAZ Studio
What's Included & Features
  • DAZ Studio Version (Will load in DS and above)
  • All the promos were done in DAZ Studio 3 with the included light set (With additional glow / bloom effects in Photoshop / The Gimp)
  • Detailed unique high rez textures, ranging from 512 x 512 to up to 6000 x 3000
  • Use of custom made Displacement Maps and Bump Maps add incredible realism
  • Flat Main Floor, which makes positioning of your characters a breeze - especially with animation
  • 8 DAZ Studio Camera Presets (16:9 screen ratio)
  • DAZ Studio light set based on the bestselling Light Dome PRO technology with sky light, sun light, ambient light and bounce light
  • Single prop with square and round pillars, floors, walls, ceiling bars, ceiling details, pool with water, empty pots and pots with bushes
  • Skydome with a custom made 360 degree panoramic backdrop
  • Dreamlight Blog

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: March 5, 2013

Environments and Props for Daz Studio