Captain Nemos Hunting Grounds

Captain Nemos Hunting Grounds
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Captain Nemo´s Hunting Grounds is universal construction kit for making all kind of underwater scenery sets. It consists of several environmental props, wide selection of caustic lights, morphable sea floor terrain, ocean surface with waves. There are also several rocks and seaweed props included or bubble streams. As kind of interesting bonus may be several universal materials which can help you transform any ship or submarine prop into a wreckage submerged for years or even centuries to ocean floor. It is a very versatile and complex products, suitable for almost any kind of project oriented bellow water surface. You may use it for historical projects, pirate fantasy, past present or future war scenes, adventure, sci-fi and futurustic vision and even for romantic scene of mermaids, sirens, lost sailors and so on. Or you can just take your poser people for some vacation dive during more casual projects... so enjoy the deep of the oceans!

What is included:
2 underwater environments props:
spheric and cylindric

morphing sea floor prop:
8 terrain morphs
5 corresponding textures
4000 x 4000 px
1 universal generic sea floor material

Ocean Surface from below
wave morph

3 unverwater rock props
5 seaweed props
2 bubble stream props

5 universal materials for turning
any prop or figure into a shipwreck
or submerged ruin:
metal, 3 wooden, masonry

4 mulilight underwater presets
1 caustic component light
1 bonus helmet light
for Deep Sea Diver product

High Resolution Textures suitable for close-ups
Model is easily scalable to fit any project you need

Product Files:

ReadMe File

Digital ProductFile (1): 32.83 MBFile (2): 42.62 MBFile (3): 45.04 MBFile (4): 34 MB

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 22, 2015

Props for Poser and Daz Studio