Treasures for Sage Babylon is a brand new texture set for Sage Babylon and Sage Babylon Expansion packs by fabiana. With this product you'll get :
- 6 styles for plain wall
- 3 styles for candelabra
- 3 styles for candles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
- 3 styles for columns
- 3 styles for stairs
- 3 styles for table rounded
- 3 styles for table squared
- 3 styles for wall full.
Poser compatible!
I hope you like them! Have fun!
Needed Files:
Sage Babylon
Sage babylon - Expansion
The candles are using the flame textures from original products by Fabiana, which are not included in this pack (Flame, Flame transparency and Halo), so in order for these styles to work correctly, you'll need to have original products textures installed in your Runtime.
Poser Pro 2010+, Poser Pro 2014 & Game Dev