Jeap Daisy SUV

Jeap Daisy SUV

JEAP DAISY SUV looks like a famous off-road car from the 1970's, which has often been used in awsome movies.

This model is highly detailed and textured in great quality, to allow for real CLOSE renders. Placing your actors in, on or very close to the car will always look great from any perspective. Even the motor and the undercarriage are highly detailed and textured. Flat tire morphs are included, for those 'broken down' and 'repair' renders where a weak female driver may need assistance :-)

What is included:
JEAP DAISY SUV is fully rigged with numerous moveable parts:
- all doors open, rear trunk hatch opens
- doors can be entirely removed for open driving
- doors windows move up/down
- windscreen can be folded down like on the original car
- engine hood opens to expose the highly detailed and textured motor
- wipers move for animation
- rear-view mirrors are adjustable
- sun-shields are moveable
- front axis can steer, inside steering wheel also turns automatically
- all wheels can rotate coordinated with a single parameter dial
- each wheel can move suspension up/down individually, in order to adapt to any non-planar off-road terrain
- numerous fully rigged suspension parts (shocks, springs, pistons/sleeves, drive-shafts etc) for each wheel
- each wheel has a flat tire morph
- each wheel can be removed, for 'changing broken tire' renders
- spare tire rack fully moveable
- spare tire can be hidden (pose file), loose spare tire props can be loaded and moved anywhere in the scene
- fuel tank cap can be opened (hidden) for refuelling situations
- hardtop can be removed, also hardtop trunk hatch can be opened or hidden
- drivers seat can adjust forward/backward, also seat back is adjustable
- rollover protector (ROPS) can be removed

All rigged functionallity and morphs are controllable through ERC dials which are located in one single place (BODY part of the car), to make handling of the car extremely easy for our clients.

Further props included with the product are:
- exemption flashlight (in blue, orange or red color)
- radio antenna
- bullbar protector (smart prop)
- jerrycan (closed or with a nozzle)
- loose spare tire, for broken down car renders
- spare tire mounted on the hood (smart prop)
- spots mounted on the bullbar (smart props)
- spots mounted on the rollover protector (inner set, outer set) (smart props)
- warning triangle for broken down car situations
- cable winch on the front bumper (smart prop)

The JEAP DAISY SUV has a total of 109 different material zones. All materials are specially crafted to also allow for CLOSE renders.

The Jeap comes in 17 ready-made complete texture sets as .mc6 material collection files.

Furthermore you can put JUST ANY desired color on the Jeap, by simply changing a color chip in the material room, or using a comfortable Python script from the 'materials' library folder.

The seats come in full leather, or semi leather with blue/red cotton covers. The cotton parts can also be adjusted to ANY color with a comfortable Python script, to be started in the materials library folder.

Also the Jeaps interior color can be adjusted to ANY color through a comfortable Python script from the materials library folder.

The rollover protectors and the wheel rims have various color options.

The JEAP DAISY SUV has a fully modeled interior, which allows for indoor renders inside the car's cabin.

All promotional images have been done in POSER 2014 (FIREFLY), with a simple skydome, one single infinite light, with IDL and raytracing engaged, using fairly low settings. Screenshots of the promo settings are included in the products 'Documentation' folder.

Promotional credits:
We thank the following vendors who have made their pre-release products available for our promo images:
- Tempesta3d - Tomboy
- P3D Art - CountyGirl V4 clothes
- Prae - Mary Lou Clothes
- Prae - Mary Lou Hair
- SAV - GoodOlGirls Hair
- Nationale7 - DODGE General Lee
- JudibugDesigns - Hog Haven

COMPATIBILITY: The product is considered POSER only, it has not been tested in DAZ STUDIO. It has been tested in POSER 2012 and above, but should also work in POSER 8+ (not tested). Color schemes are optimized for FireFly renders, not tested in SuperFly or DAZ-STUDIO (may need individual adjustment of some materials by the client).

Please contact Bytefactory3D via RENDEROSITY Site Mail to ask for any further information.

Software: Poser 7+

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: May 18, 2016

Props for Poser and Daz Studio