Movie Sets, City Block 19

Movie Sets, City Block 19

In this release I have created a new feature. Two Smart Props for the Main Camera. A simple plane that is perpendicular to the camera field of view. Each Prop has controls to move In and Out, Left and Right, and Up and Down, so you can line them up for different camera angles. Their purpose is to apply weather condition materials as a mask for your renders. See the site renders for examples of what you can do. There are two Smart Props. One has fog applied to it, the other has a Rain material on it. You can add as many as you like to mix and match effects in your scene. This release also includes Snarlybribby's wonderful Snow Machine. Thanks a lot Royston! He asked me to let people know that he is very busy these days and may not have time to answer all questions in a timely fashion, so please be considerate of his time.
We did include his help file to get you going. It is rather extensive and should answer all your questions.
The default settings always do a fine job for my purposes.
But sad to say, I do not get the luxury of spending a lot of time on personal renders.
Bagginsbill was kind enough to allow me to use his wonderful Puddle Materials in this set!
This set includes a new feature. The 8 Outer Blocks ( a figure) now have two sizes of grass to cover the block that is now all concrete sections. Hide or show two sizes of grass to show 1 row of sidewalks or 2 rows of side walk. You may also hide all of the grass to allow for other buildings to be set on a concrete ground. Hide show poses included.

As always this set comes with the surrounding streets and empty lots to give you a base for a city scene.
When you get a new set, simply load the block and move it to the hidden empty lots coordinates.
I have the City Blocks set up so you can move them easily to any one of the 9 locations.
That is not all! Once you move a block, you can easily rotate the block and all the extras go along for the ride!
You can buy one set and have four different corners meeting at one intersection by simply loading 1 block 4 times and moving and rotating to do so.

All appropriate limits are set for ease of movement.
Each City Block is perfectly square, so they can be rotated in place and have them line up just great!
For more details, read the what is included in the set list.
There are many possible backdrop locations for a seemingly endless variety of scenes.
Many of the objects are free to be moved to other locations, or saved as individual objects to be used in your other scenes.
Not tested in Daz Studio or any other program.
May not be used in Second Life, or any other online game, for any purpose.

~~~~~ Here is the list of objects included. ~~~~~


Outer Blocks with Hide Show Poses for the two sizes of Grass Sections
Also has Hide show poses for the blocks
1 Rural Mailbox with working door and Flag Also has 2 Envelopes inside


1 City Block Nineteen with the proper limits set, for perfect alignment
1 Weather Away Smart Prop that will glue itself to any one of the 60 cameras in this set.
It has a scale control as well as width and height, Rotate controls if you see a special need.
Left and right controls Down Up and lastly the Away and Towards Controls that move the plane away from the camera or towards it.
1 Weather Towards Smart Prop that will glue itself to any one of the 60 cameras in this set.
Same controls as the other Smart Prop
1 Sky Dome with 2 material choices
1 Fire Hydrant
1 Outside Grill on a Pole
1 Street Lamp
1 Picnic Table
1 Basketball
1 Basketball Backboard on a pole that can be located anywhere.
1 set of Road Signs
1 Power Pole and Power Line System
All of these items may be saved as separate props for other scenes.


180 total Materials in the Library in 11 Folders
18 Weather Materials Total all .mc5
8 Fog .mc5
5 Rain .mc5
5 Snow .mc5
6 Block Nineteen all but the Flower Zones .mc6 Dry, Puddles Extra Large, Puddles Large, Puddles Small, Raining large, Raining Small
6 Blocks Outer .mc6 Dry, Puddles Extra Large,Puddles Large, Puddles Small, Raining large, Raining Small
8 Grass Singles .mc5 Blue Grass, Dry Abandoned, Dry Long, Dry medium, Dry Mover is Broken, Dry Short, Grass Dried Out, Puddles
3 Defaults Block Nineteen, Blocks Outer and Mail Box
12 Home Defaults for putting them back to factory
32 Roof Materials for even more variety .mc6
25 Wall Material Singles .mc5
44 Plant Singles that may be applied to any plant object. Bushes and Trees .mc5
24 Flower Bed Materials that may be applied to any of the 54 different Flower Zones .mc5
2 Sky Dome .mc5

452 Material Maps includes some bump, displacement, reflection and Alpha maps


60 Cameras
60 Lights


This Quad Modeling totals 93,633 Polygons including the Outer Blocks and all 12 Homes and extras
All promotional images, completed in Poser
Objects not included in this description are not included, such as people or animals.
Not tested in Daz Studio or any other program.
May not be used in Second Life, or any other online game, for any purpose.
All content by Dreamland Models.
You may use this package in any commercial or non commercial renders.
You cannot resell the files or include them in another product or package.
You may not give it away as a gift, or offer it for free downloading.

Software: Poser 8+

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: January 3, 2017

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio