DA-LittleDarling for Kiki Fairy Bugs

DA-LittleDarling for Kiki Fairy Bugs

Within this package you get 120 textures (incl. trans/ bump/ ref) & 56 MATPoses for „Kiki Fairy Bugs by Leilana“. (http://www.runtimedna.com/Kiki-Fairy-Bugs.html)
*07 new styles for arms
*07 new styles for boots
*07 new styles for colar
*07 new styles for feelers
*07 new styles for skirt
*07 new styles for suit
*07 new styles for socks
*07 new styles for wings

Thanks for visit this page :)

Product requirements

Poser 6, Poser 7, Poser 8, Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Poser 10, Poser Pro 2014
Kiki-Fairy-Bugs - RDNA

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: December 29, 2013

Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio