Maximum Carnage preview image 0Maximum Carnage preview image 1Maximum Carnage preview image 2Maximum Carnage preview image 3Maximum Carnage preview image 4Maximum Carnage preview image 5Maximum Carnage preview image 6Maximum Carnage preview image 7Maximum Carnage preview image 8
This set contains:
Maximum Carnage base model with turning wheels and steering wheel, plus dials to open missile bay, turn headlights on/off, hide platform, hide platform struts, hide spikes, hide thrusters, hide exhausts, hide wheel spikes and retract wheel shafts
Searchlight with dials to turn it, angle it and turn searchlight on/off
Desert Environment (terrain, horizon and skydome)
Gun Post (with dials to angle and turn gun)
Boarding Pole (with dials to flex pole and turn mount)
Lighting Preset
8 Camera Presets
Options to load individual items or complete scene
Software: Poser 7+
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