Misty Short Dress for G8F

Misty Short Dress for G8F
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Misty Short Dress for Genesis 8 Female is a package of obj figure with HiRES 5k UV maping with 38 morphs and 15 color presets.
Iray renders marked on promo pictures, rest 3Delight renders.

Short dress load as scene.duf
Short dress load as scene.duf.png
Short dress load.duf
Short dress load.duf.png

Adjust breasts 2.dsf
Adjust breasts.dsf
Adjust glutes.dsf
Adjust waist width.dsf
Breast L roll down.dsf
Breast R roll down.dsf
Breast size.dsf
Breast small.dsf
Breasts roll down.dsf
Grab back 2.dsf
Grab back.dsf
Grab front 2.dsf
Grab front.dsf
Right wind 3.dsf
Right wind 4.dsf
Roll down top.dsf
Victoria 8.dsf
Wind back 2.dsf
Wind back 3.dsf
Wind back 4.dsf
Wind back 5.dsf
Wind back 6.dsf
Wind back.dsf
Wind front 2.dsf
Wind front 3.dsf
Wind front 4.dsf
Wind front 5.dsf
Wind front 6.dsf
Wind front.dsf
Wind left 1.dsf
Wind left 3.dsf
Wind left 4.dsf
Wind right 1.dsf
Wind right 2.dsf
Wind right 3.dsf
Wind right 4.dsf

Short dress col 01.duf
Short dress col 02.duf
Short dress col 03.duf
Short dress col 04.duf
Short dress col 05.duf
Short dress col 06.duf
Short dress col 07.duf
Short dress col 08.duf
Short dress col 09.duf
Short dress col 10.duf
Short dress col 11.duf
Short dress col 12.duf
Short dress col 13.duf
Short dress col 14.duf
ZERO default black.duf

DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)

Compatible figures: Genesis 8 Female

Requirements:  DAZ Studio 4.9 and above, Poser not tested

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: October 1, 2018

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio