AtoZ DetailTime Roadway Security I v1 for Poser and DS

AtoZ DetailTime Roadway Security I v1 for Poser and DS
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AtoZ DetailTime Roadway Security I v1 for Poser and DAZ3D
AtoZ DetailTime strikes again! - Items to add exceptional detail to renders and especially in ways that use pre-work to reduce your post-work... please check out the other AtoZ DetailTime offerings! (search my store with "AtoZ DetailTime" to do so) ... NOW SECURITY!!! <
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Should you happen to be a smuggler, thief or escaped prisoner approaching one of these fortified check points, you'd better turn around FAST! Why?...
First, you're channeled by AtoZ Security Jersey Barriers (described below) into a narrow approach that you simply can't get around! It forces you into a retracting row of sharpened, hardened stainless steel tire shreading... well, Tire Shreaders. And, at a check point these will not be down in the pavement when you approach!
Then, there's that Row of Fencing that folds flat into the pavement... This fencing also won't be retracted when you approach!
Of course, if you have big solid rubber tires (like you were in a Bradley) and got by the tire shreaders and you're in a big enough vehicle to ram down the fencing... You are next going to meet very High Retracting Bollards that are solid, very very solid! Hey! A tank can't get by those! OK, maybe a tank could bend them... But get over them? No way!
In short, TURN AROUND, you are NOT, NOT getting through AtoZ Roadway Security!
Of course if you're law enforcement, open your trunk and you can add the following... Or, you can strew the included Pyramid shaped Barbed Tire Spikes across the road to slow down and stop cars you want to.
This comprehensive roadway security set includes a strange looking triangular box! The box itself is hinged and has two brass clasps so it can unlocked and opened (all three of these can be ERC controlled)! Inside the box reside barbed tire puncuturing tire spikes! One preset you get includes that box and inside there's a "compressed" of tire spikes set which like the (also included) Articulated Set can be ERC expanded twisted, turned and adjusted in SO many ways! It can even be adjusted segment [or spike by spike]) so you have full control of its positioning! And, did I forget to mention that you also get a single barbed spike and a box without anything in it? You do!
Whew! that's a lot of stuff... to quote American TV Ads, "BUT Wait! There's more! Also included is a odd looking piece of pavement that I've called a Transition Ramp... This is a piece designed to help you blend the Tire Shreader, Retracting Railing and Bollards into the pavement when you place them.
WOW WOW WOW ... All this description and I think I even forgot to talk about...
The simply gorgeous Solid one piece AtoZ Security Jersey Barrier which comes in two types and two versions (4 pose or preset apply-able) Concrete, Metal, Dirty Concrete and Dirty Metal ...
I keep forgetting things you get! Darn it... The other cool items above come with Mat Poses or Preset Materials to apply a wide variety of Clean and Dirty Metal and Concrete (and the Transition Ramps have SIX versions!)
Now to get back on track, and not forget anything, this set also includes two adjustable Security Jersey Barriers (Yup! Clean and Dirty are apply-able) ... Place these to "channel" your roadway into your designed Check Points! ... Adjust and reconfigure them to meet your needs! Hide pieces and parts to make different items from them!
Bend them onto the sidewalk or to go around poles. (Don't forget in Poser pieces can un-hide themselves... so keep an eye out when you make reconfigured Jersey pieces-n-parts!)
Poser file locations: come in Runtime>
Libraries>Character>TJM>Barriers>Security - 9 Figures!
Libraries>Props>TJM>Barriers>Security - 3 Props!
Libraries>Poses>TJM>Barriers>Security - 24 Mat Poses!
Read Me not in Runtime found in:
Readme's>AtoZ>Barriers - 1 file (this one)
DAZ3D file locations: arrive in My Library>
data>AtoZ>Barriers - 11 Subfolders
Presets>Materials>TJM>Barriers>Security - 24 Material Presets!
Scene Subsets>Barriers AtoZ>Security> - All 13 Items!
Runtime> (See Poser locations above)
Read Me not in My Library found in:
Documents>AtoZ>Barriers - 1 file (this one)
I hope you decide to add this AtoZ DetailTime offering to your Libraries, if you do so, may I thank you in advance!
Legal Copyright 2019 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc.
Please read the Renderosity agreement regarding any AtoZ products purchased here...

Poser 7+, Daz Studio 4

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: May 1, 2019

Props for Poser and Daz Studio