Introducing Ruffian Boots for LaFemme!! A little leather, latex, and metal for the new girl in town, to wear with all her sexy outfits!
Included in this package:
- LF Ruffian Boots (.cr2)
- 2 Leather and 5 Latex materials (.mc6)
- LF Ruffian Boot Pose for LaFemme (.pz3)
- Unlock Foot (.pz3)
- Hide Toes (.pz3)
- Show Toes (.pz3)
- Zero Toes (.pz3)
It is important to apply the LF Ruffian Boot Pose to La Femme, before applying any other poses. This mat pose can be found in the La Femme-RPublishing-LF Ruffian Boot Pose library. Once applied, the boot will maintain it’s proper shape, leaving only the foot group to pose in order to get the proper foot-to-ground position.
There is an "Unlock Foot" option included, should you need it, as well as a Show/Hide toes and Zero Foot option for your convenience.
Thanks for looking!
Compatible figures: La Femme Female Poser Figure