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The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 0The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 1The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 2The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 3The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 4The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 5The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 6The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 7The Laboratory - Anatomy preview image 8Specialized room or laboratory for conducting an autopsy or post-mortem examination, obduction, necropsy, or autopsia cadaverum is a surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse by dissection to determine the cause, mode and manner of death or to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present for research or educational purposes. Our model is not just a room for this procedure, equiped with wide collection of furniture and props, it is also full of various anatomical preparations and specimens for young doctor to learn about structure of human body. But of course, it environment well suited for various other purposes like secret experiments with deceased patientis, for various historical or fantastic scenarios, since collaction of included items and props are so rich...
What is included:
poser ERC figures:
Dissection Table with surgical light
Cadaver carrier Gurney
Instrument Cart
Drawers Cart
Morphing Cadaver
Skeleton on Display (PBR and Specular variants)
Autopsy Instruments: (Autopsy Scales with holder, 2 scalpels, spatula, bone saw, clamp, scissors, 2 kidney dishes
Anatomy Specimens: Head in Jar, Heart in Jar, Hand Preparation, skull preparation, Brain Jar, Head Cut Preparation
Dissection Table full
Instrument Cart with instruments
Instrument Cart with specimens
Drawers Cart full
Gurney with cadaver
2 dishes with tools
Stone texture and stainless steel texture for the table
PBR and Specular variants for table and carts.
Surgical Lamp Lights on/off
Surgical Lamp parented point light
Bonus items: (addons:)
Laboratory room Extension (textures in original product)
Sanitary Textures for the Desk, Cabinet, Chair and Commode (pz2 and mc6) cr2/pp2/obj in original product
Up to 4kx4k and textures suitable for closeups, Unpacked Runtime Size: 192 MB.
suitable for animations. Original Design.
Poser 7+, Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012 +, Poser Pro 11
Where to buy: Renderosity
Publish date: August 7, 2019