Denim and Leather Jacket for La Femme

Denim and Leather Jacket for La Femme

The Denim and Leather Jacket is a cool classic for the Genesis 3 Female.

The Denim and Leather Jacket will auto-fit to any Genesis 3 Female morph using auto-follow in DAZ Studio 4.6 or higher, although most popular G3 morphs were custom created for a perfect fit.

- Denim and Leather Jacket (.duf)
- 4 Shader Presets (.duf)
- 3 Texture Maps (3000 x 3000)

The jacket contains several adjust/movement morphs, including:

Adjust Chest Left
Adjust Chest Right
Adjust Left Forearm
Adjust Right Forearm
Adjust Waist Left
Adjust Waist Right
Collar Up Back Only
Collar Up Left
Collar Up Right
Front Left Forward
Front Left Side
Front Right Forward
Front Right Side
Open Left
Open Right

The material presets include shaders optimized for both FireFly AND the SuperFly Render Engines.

Poser Pro 11

Compatible figures: La Femme Pro 1.1 - Female Poser Figure, La Femme Base Figure - Included in Poser Pro 11

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: November 15, 2019

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser