Chef Santa for Poser

Chef Santa  for Poser
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Someone's in the kitchen in the North Pole and it isn't Dinah! Chef Kringle is a new character and, like Gentleman Santa, looks enough like Santa that they can trade places when Santa wants to get in the kitchen to whip up a pizza.

Toon Santa ™ for Chunk™ is the incredible Santa Claus character for use with Poser 9 or higher and DAZ Studio 4.5 or higher. Output will depend on the renderer.

Because Toon Santa is based on Chunk, all clothing is revised and removable, so you can switch and swap props and clothing easily. It requires Chunk 3D, a free model. Chunk is available for free from

Clothing & Props for Chef Santa

- White Chef's Coat. Long chef's protective coat with beautiful gold buttons
- White Puffy Chef's Hat. Its puffy and it looks awesome!
- Chef's Boots. Lighter versions of the traditional Santa boot
- Chef's Neck Tie. A red bandana for wiping brows and generally looking Cheffy
- Santa's Red Apron. He's always careful to wear one in the kitchen
- Chef Santa Beard, Hair, Mustache & Eyebrows Props. Adds easily to Chunk Base and utilizes beautiful Poser displacements
- Cake Tray Prop. Nice tray for carrying the Christmas cake to your table
- Christmas Cake Prop. A red, white and holy decoration sugary white frosted Christmas cake
- Cutting Board Prop. Suitable for chopping whatever Santa wants to chop!
- Dish & Dish Cover Props. For bringing some tasty entree hot to the table
- Pizza & Pizza Tray Props. Hot and steamy ultra cheese pizza from Chef Kringle's kitchen
- Silver Tray Prop. For bringing whatever you want to the table
- Rolling Pin Prop. Works great, but keep it away from Mrs Santa!
- Knife & Spoon Props. Kitchen utensils Chef Kringle needs to get the job done.

Poses for Chef Santa

- Chopping with Knife
- Holding Tray with Christmas Cake
- Holding up Tray with Dish
- Holding up Tray with Pizza
- Reset
- Rolling Rolling Pin
- Stirring the Pot
- Tasting

Notes on Chef Santa

- Some images show props with applied native SuperFly shaders

Software: Poser 8+/p>

Requirements:  Chunk is available for free from

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: November 20, 2019

Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio