Dynamic Evening Gown and Drape for Dawn and Victoria 4

Dynamic Evening Gown and Drape for Dawn and Victoria 4
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A simple but elegant off the shoulder evening gown for Dawn & Victoria 4, with a poncho style drape for that little extra touch of style. Compatible with Poser 7+ (V4 FF), 9+ (Dawn FF), 11.2+ (Superfly).

Requires Dawn and/or Victoria 4

Updated November 2020. This product now contains both the Dynamic Evening Gown for Dawn and the Dynamic Evening Gown and Drape for V4. Materials have been updated to be sure they all work with the Superfly Render Engine. If you own EITHER of the original products, you can just re-download your zip file. Your product zip file will have the original file name, but the product will be updated as noted here. Please see information in the ReadMe file prior to updating. Add-on Texture Sets for the product have also been updated

A simple but elegant off the shoulder evening gown for Dawn & Victoria 4, with a poncho style drape for that little extra touch of style.

This gown that says evening elegance. Just what she needs for that formal dinner or beauty pagent, or if she should wish to unleash her inner Ginger Rogers.

The gown comes with a simple elegant drape to be worn with the evening gown or other gowns or, if you change the material, as a top by itself.

Includes 6 materials for the gown, and 12 for the drape (6 lace and 6 sheer).

What's Included & Features

Dynamic items (.obj, .pp2)

Dawn Dynamic Evening Gown Drape
Dawn Dynamic Evening Gown
V4 Dynamic Evening Gown Drape
V4 Dynamic Evening Gown

Materials (.mc6)

Celtic Black
Celtic Purple
Celtic Red (Default
Floral Aqua.mc6
Floral Gold
Floral Light Blue

Lace Black
Lace Blue
Lace Gold
Lace Purple
Lace Red
Lace White
Sheer Black
Sheer Blue
Sheer Gold
Sheer Purple
Sheer Red
Sheer White

Dynamic Dress Tutorial (.pdf)

Software: Poser 10+

Compatible figures: Victoria 4, Dawn, Dawn S.E.

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 18, 2021

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio