The Horrible Couch

The Horrible Couch
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The Sisters in Chaos were reminiscing of the days of Yore. Yes, we are plenty old to Yore about. When you got your first sofa for your first apartment by rescuing the poor abandoned thing from the side of road. Rescue Furniture is so a THING! (If this does well, we’ll share coffee tables made from half wine barrels, and busted lamps to complete the vibe! Maybe a ratty dynamic blanket to cover the sofa, sorta, and class it up a Bunch!! You can’t have too much class!!)

But, as frequently happens when we get together, one thing led to another; and we have ten (10) truly Horrible Sofas. At least one you wouldn’t sit on in a HAZ-MAT Suit. Another that would probably eat the plastic covering. A glow in the dark couch whose roadside disposal defies belief. Surely someone had to see that!!

And the Horrible Sofa always comes with extra Horrible Pillows. We’ve included the alleged neck pillow, AKA the rock-hard Cylinder Pillow generally used as a sibling basher. (We’re sure they were deserving!) Also included is the mystery extra pillow. No one knows why it’s part of the set. Or why Only One remains. These extra sofa parts are textured to match the sofa to ensure your Pad is Groovy.

Additionally, we’ve chucked in a low poly cinder block and a pair of bricks to hold up the other end of the dang thing. Also included are mats to hide the legs in case you want a slanty sofa for those romantic evenings.

Thank you for taking a peek at the Horrible Couch! Now, please, go wash your hands!

Poser 7+

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: April 29, 2022

Props for Poser and Daz Studio