Zen Room

Zen Room
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In today’s hectic world, we all crave access to a relaxing place, a sanctuary. Why not provide the same for the people living in our crowded DAZ Studio model libraries? The Zen Room was inspired by the old tradition of Japanese rooms with tatami floors, carefully curated artwork and humble woodwork. Built piece-by-piece, the custom textured wood planks, soft fabric-covered doors, and silk-bound tatami mats create an environment perfect for relaxation. The translucent shoji screen walls of the room allow a glimpse of the outside world, be that the soft shadows of a bamboo grove or the first rays of the rising sun. The bespoke artwork adorning the walls of the room establishes the cultural richness of the environment and stimulates contemplation and relaxation. All four walls of the room, along with the ceiling and floor, are removable allowing any camera angle. The five props included in the package can create an unlimited number of scenes perfect for relaxation and contemplation.

I hope this scene subset and the props will add some calm and peace to your scenes.
Happy rendering!

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: June 25, 2023

Props for Daz Studio and Poser