Coffin Around

Coffin Around

A lusty vampiress wakes from her slumber... and this ancient creaky coffin is home sweet home. Coffin Around is a sexy little pack
featuring 10 poses for V4 interacting with her poseable coffin. The coffin itself features 8 poses including options to hide
or show the coffin lid.

Let a little darkness in with Coffin Around!

Poseable Casket Figure

10 Coffin Around poses for V4
2 Corresponding Poses for the Coffin (for Poses 9 and 10)
3 Open Lid Poses for Coffin
1 Closed Lid Pose for Coffin
!Hide Lid and !Show Lid Poses for Coffin

Poser 7+

Compatible figures: Victoria 4

Compatible figures: 
Props for Poser and Daz Studio