Bewitched Hill

Bewitched Hill

Bewitched Hill is an enchanted place in the land of fantasy, the place for your fairy nights of wonder, the land of wizards, witches, and heroes, where magic is in every corner to watch you with glowing eyes.

Bewitched Hill is a one piece scenery with these elements:
- Elemental tree with glowing eyes
- Stone path
- Tree with curved branches
- Big mossy stone
- Coiled fantasy hill

This Pack includes:

- Bewitched Hill scenery (standalone figure)
- High quality mats for Poser and Daz Studio

- 8 GoTo poses that translate V4 to positions in the scenery for instant scene creation

- The same 8 unique poses for V4 + their 8 mirrors to be used with any scenery

- 8 cameras to frame the scenery and the GoTo poses

- Render settings and instructions in JPG to enter them for Poser and Daz Studio

Poser 6 and up, or DS3 and up.
PC Compatible. Not tested in Mac.
For the poses you need DAZ's V4.

Product requirements

Poser 6 and up, or DS3 and up. PC Compatible. Not tested in Mac. For the poses you need DAZ's V4.
Compatible figures: 
Props Scenes and Architecture for Daz Studio and Poser