Pastel Portrait Lights Hdri preview image 0Pastel Portrait Lights Hdri preview image 1Pastel Portrait Lights Hdri preview image 2Pastel Portrait Lights Hdri preview image 3Pastel Portrait Lights Hdri preview image 4Pastel Portrait Lights Hdri preview image 5Pastel Portrait Lights Hdri preview image 6
Pastel Portrait Lights is a non-intrusive light set with a key light that can be parebted to your character. The lights inside the Keylight can be rotated all at once.
I personally use this set in most of my promotional renders and is ideal for portrait renders or even metallic surfaces.
What is included in this light set?
- 10 High Quality HDRi environments that measure 8096 x 4096 pixels in EXR. format.
- 5 Environment Intensity Presets.
- Bloom Filter ON/OFF.
- 3 Bloom Filter settings that vary from low to extra high.
- 5 Photometric light sets to compliment the HDRi environments.
- Headlamp ON/OFF preset.
- Dome ON/OFF
- Dome Rotation Presets
Software: DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
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