SV's Iray Satin Shaders II for Daz Studio
- 34 Base Satin Colors
- 20 Pre-Made Satin Color Mixes
- 34 Metallic Flake Colors
- 10 Multicolor Metallic Flake Options
- 12 Design/Damask Texture/Normal Maps
- 12 Design/Damask + Metallic Options
- 12 Design/Damask Metallic Reverse Option (dark design)
- 11 Utility Shaders for Tiling Size .05x.05-10x10
- 05 Utility Shaders for Bump Map Strength
- 05 Metallic Flake Settings
- 02 Metallicity Settings
- 03 Gloss Settings
- 02 Plain Bump Maps
- 48 Textures including color overlays, normal maps, texture maps etc.
- Beautiful satin for just about anything, clothing, props, sheets, etc. Included is both complete shaders (base satin and multi color satins) and partial shaders which apply OVER your current shader. The damask designs, metallic flake colors, and utilities are all designed to change just one aspect, so you can customize your satin however you wish AND use these with other shader sets.
- Created with attention to details, countless hours of testing, and rendered with ALL SV light sets such as SV's INTENSITY. Easily change colors and effects by adjusting the Iray Shader sliders.
Sheets & Poses by Jepe @DAZ
All lighting by Sveva, INTENSITY sets + others
Kelly by Godin
Hair by OOT
Fashion Hoops by Sveva
Round Living by Lilflame
Elegant Envy Lingerie by Lilflame
Lotus Lingerie by Lilflame & Sveva
Secrets for Lotus & Elegant Envy by Sveva
Promo Drapes by Lilflame
Candles by Zeddicus (Massage Room)
Daz Studio 4