AtoZ Kudos Transport Tube Station 01 v1 for Poser

AtoZ Kudos Transport Tube Station 01 v1 for Poser
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AtoZ Kudos Transport Tube Station 01 v1 for Poser
It's early in the morning, through the heavy caustic haze one can barely tell daybreak from high noon on Kudos, even if both its suns were up! Bradley was up half an hour ago and slipped into his transport pressure suit. One quick breakfast bar and a heavy shot of caffine and he's as ready as he ever is for the trip ahead. One moment in the Transport Capsule at rest, the next Bradley's shot like a cannon. Propelled at a constant 4g acceleration. He speeds toward his day's stint at Watch Tower 41.
Outside the crystaline tube in which he rides, unknown those in the sub-terrian command bunker something has suddenly gone very bad at Watch Tower 41. Most of Kudos' lightning panels form slowly and things can be done to divert them from heading toward the Watch and Microwave Towers or the Dragonfire Launch Platforms that dot the few small floating continnents that drift on the molten oceans of lava that dominate the surface of the planet. Today a panel of high duration lightning for which Kudos is so famous seemed to appear almost out of nowhere. Without fair warning Watch Tower 41 is in grave danger.
Two actions have to be taken immediately. First, a shuttle has to swoop in and lock onto one of the watch tower's escape doors and rescue the watcher on duty at the tower. And, secondly a rare emergency protocol also has to be implemented. Usually the need for Tower rescues is avoided using Control's Storm Diversion tactics, so the need for what is about to happen is indeed very rare. Even though there are several Transport Tube Stations between all bases and the towers, this emergency protocol will require the shuttle hover who we assume has just rescued the watch, steady itself outside a station's airlock and this time will be rescuing Bradly, who for but the next moment is blissfully rocketing unknowingly toward incredible danger.
The storm has been identified, shuttle in route to the tower! Quickly automated systems activate a currently inert station. It readies itself to capture Bradley's capsule.
"WHAT THE HELL!" Bradley tries to say as his morning commute is suddenly interrupted. 'I'm not anywhere near 41 yet!' he thought as six plus gs hit him like a giant fist...
Today he is not going to any watch tower.
This AtoZ offering is one of these Transport Tube Stations brought life in the reality of our 3D world. It is fully articulated with an "operational" rescue airlock. There is a "receiver" that normally remains closed as capsules rocket through the yellow crystaline transport tube enters and exits the station. There are double twin sealing doors that open and close when a capsule is captured. Above the Receiver is a twin beamed overhead crane whose initial use was to help assemble the station from prefabricated panels and ribs. The crane further serves to do things like force open a transport capsule if its cover jams. Also to load or unload a transport cargo pod (pods not included)
This crane is also fully articulated! It travels the full length of the building and the winch moves side to side. The cable spool "unwinds" to raise and lower the hook. The spool of cable swings a bit left, right, forward and back allowing angular raising and lowering the hook. The hook, by the way rotates and can "grow" should it need to be a bit bigger.
The building preloads with the crane, staircase and two of the included Lift Ring props. This crane could be used as stand alone item!
By the way, all those building's panels and ribs can be hidden to allow you incredible camera access! Also those included Beams N Braces are what supports the Station's Airlock!
This AtoZ set includes: in Runtime/Libraries/Character/TJM/Kudos/Transport Tubes Plus
Transport Station Preloaded
Beam Crane Lift
Airlock 04 and
Airlock 04 Magic

Props: Runtime/Libraries/Props/TJM/Kudos/Transport Tubes Plus
Smart Staircase
Lift Ring
Smart Airlock 04 Filler Panel
Airlock 04 Filler Panel
Also: in Runtime/Libraries/Props/TJM/Beams N Braces
Angled Rounded Beam 01
Angled Rounded Beam 02
Angled Rounded Beam Assy 01
Beam Intersection 01

MAT Poses: Runtime/Libraries/Pose/TJM/Kudos/Kudos MATs
Air Lock 04 Def
Airlock 04 Magic 01
Airlock 04 Magic 02
Airlock 04 Magic 03
Airlock 04 Magic 05
Airlock 04 Mogic 04
Beam Lift 01 Def
Transport Tube 02a
Transport Tube 02b
Transport Tube Station Def
Tube Station Stairs

One Camera Set is in: Runtime/Libraries/Camera/TJM/Kudos

Supporting files in:
Runtime/Textures/TJM/Beams N Brace
If you add this AtoZ offering to your Libraries, may I thank you in advance
Legal Copyright 2020 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc.
Renderosity License in Documents Folder

Poser 8 / Poser Pro 2010+

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 4, 2020

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio