Countess Prop Set

Countess Prop Set
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Countess - a gothic ruins props set/scene (now updated for DS Iray!)

- Some props are different for DS, the Poser set has NOT been updated and includes the staff/dagger/chalice (shown in Poser promo only)
- The new DS Prop set includes candles for the hanging lanterns, fire for the cauldron, ivy vines and additional material zones on many of the props\
- ALL Doors/Gates Open & Close

- Includes, saved with Iray Materials -

- DS Iray Pre-Load All Props (all props parented to floor)
- Floor Base (loading the floor first and then each prop will auto parent props to the floor)
- Arches
- 02 Stone Blocks
- Candles for the hanging lanterns
- Cauldron
- Cauldron Fire
- Cliff Bottom
- Door Left
- Door Right
- Gate Left
- Gate Right
- Ivy Vines
- Pit
- Back Wall
- Sarcophagus

- All Materials are saved in Iray (for the DS version)
- 04 Ivy Colors/Styles are included for different looks/seasons

- This set is fully updated for Daz Studio Iray
- Poser files have NOT been updated and remain the same
- If you previously purchased this product you may now download the new files in your account
- OBJ Files are included in a separate zip file

- Thanks from Sveva & LukeA

Poser 6, Poser 7+, DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

Requirements:  Poser 5+ OR Daz Studio with Iray

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: August 15, 2019

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio