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Airline Interior preview image 0Airline Interior preview image 1Airline Interior preview image 2Airline Interior preview image 3Airline Interior preview image 4Airline Interior by LukeA & Sveva - UPDATED for 2021.
This product was originally intended for Poser and has now been updated to work with DS Iray - the Poser files have NOT been updated, only the DS Iray files have been created and now include 6 options for the TV scene & 4 options for the soda can. These new textures can easily be manually applied in Poser if you so choose. If you have previously purchased this set you may download the new files for DS for free in your account!
Everything that is included is listed in the ReadMe file.
This set includes for DS:
1 Full scene for DS Iray that is used in the promos, includes 2 lights that shine from above
Floor - All props parent to floor
Overhead compartments Left/Right
Curtain Open
Curtain Closed
Dividers 01 & 02
End cap to the plane (no cockpit)
Overhead Panels Left/Right - TV's morph up/down (uses emissions for glow)
Seat belt both in an "in use" option that can morph bigger/smaller and a "slack" version
Set of seats - these have trays that fold down in back, can be duplicated and moved to create a fuller scene
Wall Panels Left & Right - duplicate to create longer scene
Wing Left & Right - these are just for visibility out of the windows
Other Props Include:
Soda can
Water Bottle
Glass with Ice
Glass empty
Sick Bag
Safety Card
Magazine 01 & 02
*New* Materials for DS Iray Only Include:
06 Options for the overhead TV scene (folds down from overhead panels)
04 Soda Can Colors
*Note this is an older set, and as such that reflects in the item with a bit of a retro look, however, it is now fully able to be used in DS, all props can be duplicated and moved to create a longer interior of an airliner. The scene I have included is only 3 rows deep, you can expand on this or create your own, you can add additional props, rotate them, place them where you wish.
From the original description for Poser: This is the flexible, detailed, and high quality commercial airline interior set that you must have. Whether close up on a seat or looking down the length of the plane, you can get the shot you want and not have to load the entire set. You can even look out the window and see the wings. Created in high detail this set is also efficient and modular for easy work flow. The tray tables fold out and a set of props are available for in-flight service. You can get close to one character, or copy the modular parts for a full look down the length of the plane.
- Thank you - Sveva & LukeA
Software: Poser 6, Poser 7+, DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
Where to buy: Renderosity
Publish date: April 22, 2021