Bikini Bahia G8F

Bikini Bahia G8F

"Bikini Bahia G8F" - it's a dForce enhanced Bikini for Genesis 8 Female.
It comes with 5 Designs to play with.
For a naturally correct display, please use dForce.

Included in this Package:
2 Wardrobe Files


Top.duf (dForce enhanced)
Bottom.duf (dForce enhanced)


Top Mat 01.duf
Top Mat 02.duf
Top Mat 03.duf
Top Mat 04.duf
Top Mat 05.duf

Bottom Mat 01.duf
Bottom Mat 02.duf
Bottom Mat 03.duf
Bottom Mat 04.duf
Bottom Mat 05.duf

All Textures are 8K:
diffuse, displacement, metalness,
normal and roughness


Bikini Top:
25 Joint Corrective Morphs

Bikini Bottom:
19 Joint Corrective Morphs


Installation Instructions:

Unzip into your D|S Content directory

3D Models