Ron's Ink

Ron's Ink

These are elegant fluid images of ink in water that you have not seen before, most I've seen are big blobs that amount to nothing, here we done a few things different and I'm sure you can tell.There are only 50 in this set but they are one of a kind and very many creative possibilites.

I'm trying to come up with quick and easy sets that might fill your cup at a price that anyone can afford. let me know what you think?

Enjoy create and have fun.

Thanks Ron

  • Requires Photoshop CS and higher
Compatible 3D Software
What's Included & Features
  • Ron's Ink (.ABR)
    • 50 Photoshop Brushes (CS6)
    • 50 Photoshop Brushes (CS and above)
  • PDF of all included Brushes
Brushes Effects for Poser and Daz Studio