Casual Dress for Sleeveless Tee

Casual Dress for Sleeveless Tee

Ever find yourself wanting something nice looking without being full on dress, what is often called dress casual or casual dress, now Dawn and La Femme can have such options of their own with this set of materials for the Sleeveless Tee.

PLEASE NOTE: This does require the latest version of the Sleeveless Tee, the one for Dawn and La Femme, to work.

These materials were made in Substance Designer, then finished in Photoshop with the help of Merchant Resource: Stitch Kit 02 by Sveva.

What is included:

8 Materials for the Sleeveless Tee (.mc6)
CD Black
CD Blue
CD Dark Red
CD Emerald
CD Golden Brown
CD Purple Violet
CD Rainforest
CD Rose

These materials are optimized for Superfly, though they will work in Firefly.

Compatible figures: Dawn - Dawn S.E., La Femme, La Femme

Required Products: Sleeveless Tee for Dawn and La Femme

Software: Poser Pro 11, Poser 12, Poser 13

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Daz Studio and Poser