Poser IT Girl Tee Dress

Poser IT Girl Tee Dress
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The Poser IT Girl Tee Dress fits La Femme, Dawn, & Victoria 4. The Tee Dress is a loose tee top dress with a tight skirt. The skirt doesn't like wide, raised leg poses. Dawn and V4 share a zip, leaving La Femme separate for those of you with a specific La Femme runtime. The Textures are the same for all of the dresses, so if you install both zips to one runtime, the textures will over write.

There are 9 Unique textures and 6 Sequin colors. Additionally there is a simple texture for use when running the sim. All textures work just fine in both FireFly and SuperFly. HouseFly, HorseFly, DragonFly, and TsetseFly all remain unsupported.

This item uses JRoulin's superb Python script that lets you sim the dress without entering the cloth room at ALL. This will work for most standing poses. You can, of course. brave the cloth room and make any modifications you deem suitable. A lazy person would click the Step 2, to set up the sims and make changes from there.

Thank you for considering Poser IT Girl Tee Dress.

Andy (donnena) wrangled the polygons and the dreaded UV Map, while Lynn (lwperkins) enticed the pixels to comply with her visions. Together we are the Sisters in Chaos! (Luckily for the majority of the world we are separated by numerous states and limited to textual communications. )

Software: Poser 10+

Compatible figures: Victoria 4, Dawn - Dawn S.E., La Femme Pro - Female Poser Figure, La Femme Base Figure - Included in Poser Pro 11

Required Products: La Femme Pro - V.2

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: September 3, 2021

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser