Trudy Dress for La Femme

Trudy Dress for La Femme
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Hey, Ya'll, It's Lynn and Andy again, the Sisters in Chaos.

This time we offer a simple dynamic tube dress. It's great for a night out on the town or a winged lass. Or for a Fairy night out on the town. Or lounging around the house/cave/hobbit hole. We used Jroulin's magic python to give you one click cloth sims. You are, of course, welcome to do make changes or to ignore those options completely and set the sim up yourself. (Lynn had to do L'homme by hand, as the script is specific to La Femme).

You should push up your pixel sampling to 8 (or higher!) when you render in Superfly to get rid of noise and to make the shadows render more smoothly.

The Dress renders nicely, but you can use Poser's subdivision to get an even smoother look (and a longer Render).

Software: Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Compatible figures: La Femme Pro - Female Poser Figure, La Femme Base Figure - Included in Poser Pro 11

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 4, 2022

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser