Archer is an animated 3d character with 18 animations(!), 12788 triangles (LOD 7071 triangles), textures in TGA, ready to use in your 3D work. Separate animation files! Two textures (Body/weapon-2048*2048 and head-512*512).
Animation Frames:
- 1-60 idle
- 61-90 walk
- 91-110 run
- 111-159 attack_idle
- 160-195 attack_shootreload
- 196-225 attack_forwardmove
- 226-255 attack_forwardshootreload
- 256-310 crouch_idle
- 311-359 crouch_attackidle
- 360-395 crouch_shootreload
- 396-413 crouch_dodgeright
- 414-428 crouch_dodgeleft
- 429-456 jump
- 457-490 victory
- 491-550 alert_idle
- 551-570 hit
- 571-630 death
- 631-675 revive
Software: Maya, UNREAL Game Engine, UNITY, U3D-Universal 3D Format, FBX Format
Requirements: Any game editor such as Unreal engine or Unity 4+, that can support the products file types.