Demon Warrior is an animated 3d character with 17 animations!, 11098 triangles (LOD 3900 triangles), textures in TGA and PNG format (DTS), ready to use in your 3D work.
Demon Warrior animated character by Tommy Wong Choon Yung.
Two 2048x2048px textures (body and weapon).
Animation Frames:
bindpose 0
idle 1-30
walk 31-60
run 62-85
attack01 87-120
attack02 121-151
attack03 152-223
attack04 224-295
attack05 296-339
jump 340-370
hit 371-384
death 385-435
revive 436-515
taunt 516-546
walk right 547-567
walk left 568-588
dodge right 589-609
dodge left 610-630
Software: Maya, UNREAL Game Engine, UNITY, U3D-Universal 3D Format, FBX Format
Requirements: Any game engine that can run the supported file types. Such as Unity 4+ or Unreal Game Engine.