The New Adventure Expansion preview image 0The New Adventure Expansion preview image 1The New Adventure Expansion preview image 2
Not just for Star League Poster Boys (or Girls) anymore! Cloth the entire crew with this stellar morph expansion set. Full morph fits for all 9 clothing pieces for BOTH the Michael 4 and Victoria 4 outfits plus the 2 computers and now also includes fits for the V4_UTNAShirt.
- Required Products
- The New Adventure Continues
- Notes
- * V4_UTNAShirt_X requires the free item Uzilite New Adventure V4 Suit from Renderosity.
- Compatible 3D Figures
- Victoria 4, Aiko 4, Hiro 4, The Freak 4
- Compatible 3D Software
- DAZ Studio, Poser
- What's Included & Features
- The New Adventure Continues Expansion: (.CR2 Only)
- Victoria 4:
- aTNAComputer_X
- aTNAUndies_X
- V4_uTNABoots_X
- V4_uTNADress_X
- V4_uTNAJacket_X
- V4_uTNASuit_X
- BONUS: V4_UTNAShirt_X*
- Supported Morphs:
- Morphs++:
- FBMAmazon
- FBMBodyBuilder
- FBMBulk
- FBMDefinition
- FBMEmaciated
- FBMFitness
- FBMHeavy
- FBMPearFigure
- FBMThin
- FBMVoluptuous
- FBMYoung
- PBMAreolaOut
- PBMAreolaPerk
- PBMAreolaSize
- PBMArmSize
- PBMBellySmooth
- PBMBellyThickness
- PBMBellyThin
- PBMBicepsFlex
- PBMBreastsCleavage
- PBMBreastsCleavageWidth
- PBMBreastsDiameter
- PBMBreastsDroop
- PBMBreastsFlatten
- PBMBreastsHangForward
- PBMBreastsImplant
- PBMBreastsLarge
- PBMBreastsNatural
- PBMBreastsPerk
- PBMBreastsSize
- PBMCalvesFlex
- PBMForearmsThickness
- PBMGluteCreaseL
- PBMGluteCreaseR
- PBMGluteFlexL
- PBMGluteFlexR
- PBMGluteRaiseL
- PBMGluteRaiseR
- PBMGlutesDimpleDepth
- PBMGlutesSize
- PBMHipsCrest
- PBMHipsSize
- PBMInhale
- PBMLatsSize
- PBMLoveHandleL
- PBMLoveHandleR
- PBMNeckThickness
- PBMNipples
- PBMNipplesBig
- PBMNipplesDepth
- PBMNipplesHeight
- PBMPregnant
- PBMShinsThickness
- PBMShouldersThickness
- PBMSternumHeight
- PBMSternumWidth
- PBMStomachDepth
- PBMThighsThickness
- PBMThighsTone
- PBMTorsoThickness
- PBMTrapsSize
- PBMTummyOut
- PBMWaistWidth
- Elite:
- FBMFantasiaBody
- FBMSylphBody
- FBMUtopianBody
- Aiko 4:
- FBMA4AikoBody
- FBMA4AikoPetite
- FBMA4Realistic
- FBMA4Stylized
- The Girl 4:
- Reby Sky:
- FBMRebySky
- Stephanie 4:
- FBMS4Caitlyn
- FBMS4Ella
- FBMS4Grace
- FBMS4Isabelle
- FBMS4Lily
- FBMS4Madeline
- FBMS4Natalie
- FBMS4Paige
- FBMS4Stephanie
- PBMBreastVolume
- PBMChestDepth
- PBMClaviclesDefine
- PBMForeArmsContour
- PBMGluteLowerDepth
- PBMGluteSmoothed
- PBMGluteUpperDepth
- PBMKneeCapVolume
- PBMKneeWidth
- PBMLineaAlbaDepth
- PBMLowerBackDepth
- PBMLowerObliqueDepth
- PBMNeckSmooth
- PBMPubicDepth
- PBMRibCageContour
- PBMRibCageDetail
- PBMRibCageLowerDepth
- PBMRibCageSmooth
- PBMRibCageVolume
- PBMShldrBladeDepth
- PBMShouldersDepth
- PBMSmoothAbdomenLower
- PBMSternumDetail
- PBMThighFrontContour
- PBMThighInnerContour
- PBMThighOuterContour
- PBMUpperArmsContour
- PBMWaistOuterContour
- Michael 4:
- M4_uTNAComputer_X
- M4_uTNAJacket_X
- M4_UtnaPants_X
- M4_UtnaShirt_X
- M4_UtnaShortSleeve_X
- Supported Morphs:
- Morphs++:
- FBMBeerBelly
- FBMBodyBuilder
- FBMBulk
- FBMDefinition
- FBMEmaciated
- FBMHeavy
- FBMJeremy
- FBMSmooth
- FBMSuperHero
- FBMThin (Carried from Original Set)
- FBMYoung
- PBMAreolaOut
- PBMAreolaPerk
- PBMAreolaSize
- PBMArmSize
- PBMBellySmooth
- PBMBellyThickness
- PBMBellyThin
- PBMBicepsFlex
- PBMBicepsFlexPeak
- PBMCalvesFlex
- PBMChestBuilt
- PBMChestDiameter
- PBMChestDroop
- PBMChestFlatten
- PBMChestLarge
- PBMChestMassive
- PBMChestSize
- PBMChestSmall
- PBMChestSternum
- PBMForearmsThickness
- PBMGluteCreaseL
- PBMGluteCreaseR
- PBMGluteFlexL
- PBMGluteFlexR
- PBMGluteRaiseL
- PBMGluteRaiseR
- PBMGlutesDimpleDepth
- PBMGlutesSize
- PBMHipsCrest
- PBMHipsSize
- PBMInhale
- PBMLatsSize
- PBMLoveHandleL
- PBMLoveHandleR
- PBMNeckThickness
- PBMNipples
- PBMNipplesBig
- PBMNipplesDepth
- PBMNipplesHeight
- PBMShinsThickness
- PBMShouldersMassive
- PBMShouldersThickness
- PBMSternumHeight
- PBMSternumWidth
- PBMStomachDepth
- PBMThighsThickness
- PBMThighsTone
- PBMTorsoThickness
- PBMTrapsSize
- PBMTricepsFlex
- PBMTricepsRelax
- PBMTummyOut
- PBMWaistWidth
- Elite:
- FBMAdonis
- FBMProsaic
- FBMSpartan
- FBMSvelte
- Hiro 4:
- FBMH4HiroBody
- FBMH4HiroBuilt
- FBMH4HiroRealistic
- FBMH4HiroStylized
- The Freak 4:
- FBMF4Heroic
- FBMF4Legendary
- FBMF4Monstrous
- FBMF4Trollish
- PBMF4FootWidth
- PBMF4HamLimbedArms
- PBMF4HamLimbedLegs
- PBMF4HeavyBelly
- PBMF4LowerBodyStr
- PBMF4UpperBodyStr
- Up to 17 Adjustment Morphs in Each Clothing Piece
- The New Adventure Props: (.PP2 Only)
- M4_UTNACom_Case_X
- M4_UTNAHolster_X
- uTNACom_Case_X
- uTNAHolster_X
- The New Adventure Continues Expansion: (.CR2 Only)
- What's Included & Features
- Up to 17 Adjustment Morphs in Each Clothing Piece
Compatible figures:
Where to buy: