Add On for D-Force LoungeWear 2 for G8 and G8.1 Males
This product includes new styles and options for all clothing items of D-Force LoungeWear 2 for G8 and G8.1 Males.
Several bonus morphs are included as well you might find useful to adjust and tweak the clothing items a bit.
- 5 Iray Presets for the Sweat Shirt
- 5 Iray Presets for the Over Shirt
- 5 Iray Presets for the Pants
- 2 Fabric Style Iray Options for each item
- 8 Print Options for the Sweat Shirt and Over Shirt (Diffuse Overlay) + No Print Option
- 8 Print Color Options (Diffuse Overlay)
- 4 Print Weight Options (Diffuse Overlay)
Sweat Shirt:
- Cuffs Length
- Cuffs Tighter / Wider
- Expand All
- Expand Lower Back
- Expand Lower Front 1 + 2
- Expand Lower Left
- Expand Lower Right
- Shirt Length
- Waist Tighter / Wider
Over Shirt:
- Expand All
- Expand Lower Back
- Expand Lower Front
- Expand Lower Left
- Expand Lower Right
- Shirt Length
- Waist Tighter / Wide
- Ankle Cuffs Longer / Shorter
- Ankle Cuffs Tighter / Wider
- Back Wrinkles Adjust
- Crotch Volume
- Expand All
- Front Wrinkles Adjust 1 / 2 / 3
- Waistband Size
- Waistband Width
- 63 Image Diffuse, Normal and Overlay Maps (4000x4000)
This product requires IRAY.
- DAZ Studio 4.21 or later
- D-Force LoungeWear 2 for G8 and G8.1 Males
This product has been tested in DAZ Studio 4.21 (PC & Mac).
This product is for DAZ Studio only. Not tested in or recommended to be used with Poser.
Compatible figures: Genesis 8 Male, Genesis 8.1 Male
Required Products: D-Force LoungeWear 2 for G8 and G8.1 Males